Scientific “proof” That Abstract Art Is Only 4% Better Than What A Kid Could Do

Based on “rivalry” of bachelor of art vs science, which is better between BA and BS? This article answers by presenting the available statistical data. You can draw your own conclusions based on the data we present. Simkin also looked at another study that showed art students can tell the difference between professional abstract art and that done by children or animals at a 67% success rate.

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This is not only for pure artistic value, but it can also be implemented in scientific applications. As with photography, the line between science and art relies entirely on the implementation of the tool. Besides, choicing which form of franchise strategy to use in order to penetrate the East African market is more of a science than an art. This is because you have to analyse the kind of system procedures and agreements you have to put in place which needs financial analyses like strategic ratio analysis alongside one’s experience . There are many franchising choice making situations that demand for a mixture of scientific (organized and evidence-based) approaches and habitual (experience and emotion-based).

  • Science tends to describe facts in black-and-white terms that aren’t always entirely accurate of the reality we live in.
  • Appreciate arts, appreciate science, appreciate technology, for they all require creativity and hardwork, and our lives depend on them all.
  • Beyond businesses, IoT, and other mercantile applications, Big Data is also providing a canvas for digital artists.
  • What could possibly be in it for them to invest in something immeasurable like art?
  • Scientists are individuals who conduct scientific research to advance knowledge in an area of interest.

If you have a genuine curiosity for numbers and an interest in business and the economy, then commerce can be your right career stream. Commerce comprises subjects like accounts, business, economics, and finance which could help you in exploring a wide variety of career opportunities in various fields. Bachelor of arts degrees open doors to career paths in communication, media, education, journalism, international relations, and a wide variety of cultural fields. Most still require learners to complete some STEM-focused coursework, but these components usually make up a relatively small amount of the total credit requirements.

Do You Think Of Any Other Overlapping Areas Where Science And Art Meet Or Other Ways The Two Can Enrich Each Other?

We have to found ways of expressing ourselves; otherwise we just become clones of each other. Subjectivity plays a large role here as that the fact everybody appreciates science and what it does to benefit us means it is lacking spirituality. E.g. scientists may one day discover our theory of gravity to be incorrect, but nobody can ever say that Da Vinci’s ‘Last Supper’ needed a little more red.

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The three-year Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Science offers students the administrative freedom to study in two faculties while mandating the completion of core units in critical thinking, ethics, and communication. Transdisciplinary thinkers take a unique approach to solving problems. They draw information from diverse sources and seek collaborations to produce “socially robust knowledge”. However, the way most combined and double degrees are established does not foster transdisciplinary learning. Fiona White receives funding from the Australian Research Council and Office of Learning and Teaching.


As quick examples, think about how data is increasingly being visualised by talented information designers, the growth of 3D printing in artand the reinvention of music with technology. And there’s an argument that with each of us now having access to a vast network of shared knowledge online, we are all gradually becoming polymaths of a sort. I’ve heard this comment a number of times over the past few years and it’s one I find myself returning to more frequently these days. Art and science have historically been viewed, for the most part, as distinct subjects. Yet when you start to look into it more closely, the reality is that incredible things tend to happen when the fields of science and art merge. But current practices show that scientific research has much to gain by involving artists in the process.

But to approach the truth, you need skepticism, uncertainty, disbelief. The same way Copernicus did with the model of the universe. Humanities teach you how to challenge the status quo, how to question authority. And science paves the way to confirming or rejecting our artistic hypotheses.

Observing, as said in the definition Of Science, is an action done in order to get the closest answer to reality. This means that they were put into a situation in which they, through imagination, reasoning and emotion, realized hey were given false or erroneous information. Arts enable us to understand events from multitude perspective, helping us in our critical and analytical skills.

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They both work hard though to learn the principles and attain the skills to be successful. Once upon a time, art and science were not in seeming opposition to one another. You didn’t have to be EITHER science-minded or artistically inclined. Appreciate arts, appreciate science, appreciate technology, for they all require creativity and hardwork, and our lives depend on them all. We ensure only to use the very best methods backed by the latest software and offer skills in all types of digitization, including rendering, 3D modeling, CAD as well as tailormade solutions for any artistic project. The benefits of the phrase “art meets science” can be captured easily conveniently by simply reaching out to our team and let us show you how it’s done.